Thursday, March 21, 2013



These photos of crying babies are placed in the advertisement.

I hope it comes from selective photos submitted by their parents and not taken in the studio for the effect of the advertisement.

Its totally lack of human touch if it is the latter.

Let's look at the possible scenarios that make these babies cry :

(1)  Giving them a toy, and take away when they start enjoying it.
(2) The parents just sit them and pretend to leave the studio.
(3) Offering spicy food to them.
(4) Shouting at these babies.
(5) Playing horror movies on the tv.
(6) Leave a stranger with them.

A penny for your thoughts, drop me a comment. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012


Some other SEO terms :

One Way Link: an external link that does not require your website to link back to that site.

Outbound Link: a link from your website to an external website.

On-Page: relates to SEO factors that are internal to a web-pages source code.

Off-Page: relates to SEO factors that are external to a web-pages source code.

Organic Traffic: traffic generated as a result of being indexed within a search engine (vs. paid traffic).

PageRank: Googles indicator of a particular pages value.

Paid Traffic: traffic generated as a result of using paid advertisements (vs. organic traffic).

Pay Pe r Click (PPC): the amount an advertiser pays an ad host each time a visitor clicks on the advertisers link. (see Cost Per Click)

Rank: the position of a web page within a search engine.

Reciprocal Link: a link from a website that links back to your site, in exchange for linking to that website.

Robots File: A text file placed in a sites root directory that instructs search engine spiders to ignore certain pages or directories. Some spiders respect these instructions, others disregard them.

Sandbox: a theory that refers to a time probationary period that a website must go through.

Search Engine: A site or software that allows Internet users to search a database of web pages, documents and other information on the web. The most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization the planning and adjusting of the content of a web page in order to improve its position in natural, organic search results, including m odifications to code and displayed content.

SEM: Search Engine Marketing any marketing activity involving a search site, including advertising on search result pages, paying for placement.

SERP: Search Engine Result Page, the page that display the results of a search.

Sitemap: a file created in XML format that helps search engine spiders distinguish the structure of your website and instructs them how often to crawl certain pages on your website (not to be confused with an HTML sitemap).

SMO: Social Media Optimization

Spider: a piece of code (packet) that is sent out from a search engine to crawl the web to build and edit its search engine database.

URI: uniform resource indicator refers to a link that is one deeper than the websites home/index page. (example:

URL: universal resource locator a general term referring to a website link.

White Hat: a term used to describe SEO techniques that adheres t o proper and acceptable on-page and off-page optimization.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Below are some of the common terms for SEO :

Delisting: the removal of a web page from a search engines results.

Description Meta Tag: a meta tag describing the content of the web page.

Directory: a search site whose index is compiled by human editors.

Domain Name Server (DNS): a computer that translates human-friendly URLs (words) into computer-friendly IP addresses.

External Link: a link from another website that links to yours.

Google: the most used search engine in the world today, also known as the Big G.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is the set of markup symbols inserted into a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. Index: a search engines database, consisting of all the web pages it has crawled and recorded.

Internal Link: a link that exists and links to other web pages within your website.

Keyword: the word(s) or phrase(s) a person types into a search box.

Keyword Density: a formula to determine the frequency a keyword is displayed on a web page. The formula is the total number of words in al keyword mentions divided by the total number of words on a page. Keywords should fall between 2 and 8 % density. (see keyword stuffing)

Keyword Meta Tag: a meta tag listing the main keywords and keyphrases that are contained on that web page.

Keyword Stuffing: a blackhat technique to manipulate search engines by overly displaying a keyword or keyphrase, unnecessarily.

Landing Page: the destination page a visitor arrives when clicking on a link.

Link Bait: a technique to acquire external links generated by creating a useful piece of content material that is worth y of linking back to your site.

Link Spamming: a black hat technique used to generate and acquire bogus external links to manipulate search engine rankings.

Long Tail: a term given for a group of keywords that is more targeted (example: dogs vs. brown male shih tzus)

M?Meta Tag: are html elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


These are some of the SEO terms which I think you might be interested. :

Absolute Link : a link that displays the full path of a website URL that is linked to.

Adsense: Googles  contextual advertising network.

Adwords: Googles advertisement and link auction network.

Alt Attribute: the description text that is associated with an image.

Analytics: the statistics and metrics used to measure and analyze a website performance.

Anchor Text: the text that is clicked on to activate and follow a hyperlink to another web page.

Backlink: a link to a website.

Black Hat: a term used to describe any SEO techniques utilized to manipulate the search engines.

Blog: short for web log, a blog is a website that is typically used as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual.

Click Through Rate (CTR): the number of clicks on a link, as a percentage of the number of views of the link. (( # of clicks / # of views ) x 100)

Cloaking: a black-hat SEO technique that manipulates search engines by displaying spe cific content served up to the search engine spider that is different then what the normal surfer sees.

Conversion Rate: metric to evaluate the effectiveness of a conversion effort the number of visitors who took the desired action divided by the total number of visitors in a given time period.

Cost Per Click (CPC): the amount an advertiser pays an ad host each time a visitor clicks on the advertisers link. (see Pay Per Click)

Cost Per Thousand (CPM): the cost per thousand people viewing an ad or listing.

Crawl: the action of search engines traversing through the Internet while updating their database of websites.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I saw this picture while surfing, and it really captured my eyes.
After joinning Pinterest, I begin to look for good photos, and share with fellows.
Making the first step is not easy at all. However, if you think what you are doing is right, and do no harm to anyone, then just do it!
If you are sick with your job, unhappy with the working environment and financially ok, maybe its time to  leave; make your life interesting, join the other circle or industry.
Don't worry, be optimistic, the other side is brighter, just be open-minded, learn as much as you can, and you will make it!
I wish all of you who are hesitant in taking the first step, the best and have a nice day.

Monday, April 23, 2012


The official name of an Ubuntu release is "Ubuntu X.YY" with X representing the year (minus 2000) and YY representing the month of eventual release within in that year.
For example :
Ubuntu's first release, made in 2004 October (10th month) was Ubuntu 4.10. Since the actual release date is not known until it's ready and humans tend to prefer names rather than numbers, a set of codenames are used by developers and testers during the buildup to a release.


The final version of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is not out yet, but the release schedule for the upcoming Ubuntu 12.10 operating system has been published on the Ubuntu Wiki.

Even if the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 has not been chosen yet, we already have the release schedule on our hands. The final version of Ubuntu 12.10 will see the light of day on October 18th, 2012.

For Ubuntu 12.10, the Ubuntu developers decided to modify the release schedule, again, to three Alpha versions and two Beta releases. Without further introduction, here is the official release schedule for Ubuntu 12.10:

June 7th, 2012 - Alpha 1 release
June 28th, 2012 - Alpha 2 release
August 2nd, 2012 - Alpha 3 release
September 6th, 2012 - Beta 1 release
September 27th, 2012 - Beta 2 release
October 18th, 2012 - Final release of Ubuntu 12.10

Keep in mind that this is a draft release schedule and can be changed anytime.